New Odyssey School Age Program
New Odyssey for Children is the perfect before and after-school environment for your school-age child. We provide a fun and educational atmosphere that your child will look forward to at the end of each school day. Our school-age teachers prepare weekly lesson plans to not only help facilitate and solidify topics covered in your child’s elementary school, but also provide abstract learning opportunities. Our school-age program participates in Junior Achievement of Georgia, which inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. We also provide an on-site, certified teacher to tutor our Homework Club Monday through Thursday. We want your children to succeed and thrive, and are committed to providing them with the tools to do so.
Our Hamilton Mill location services Ivy Creek Elementary, Patrick Elementary, and Harmony Elementary.
Our Mill Creek location services Duncan Creek Elementary, Bramlett Elementary, and Heroes Elementary.
Why choose New Odyssey for Child?
This program provides lessons to not only help facilitate and solidify topics covered in your child’s elementary school, but also provide a means of exploring your child’s creativity through new learning excercises.
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